Instant case summaries AI-driven legal insights at your command

Transform complex legal documents into clear, concise summaries with our cutting-edge AI technology. Engage in interactive chat sessions for deeper understanding and personalized analysis of court cases and legal pleadings. Your first summary is free!
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AI case summarization

Harness the power of CaseMark to transform your legal reading with our efficient case summaries. Seamlessly distill vast case details into concise, actionable insights that make your research more effective.

Case summary features

Efficient summary generation

CaseMark can swiftly process and summarize complex case details, enabling attorneys to quickly grasp the essence of a case. Our case summary provides the main points, critical insights and key takeaways of the case, taking the hassle out of re-reading lengthy documents.

Customizable summary focus

Tailor the focus of your summaries to suit specific needs. Whether you're looking for an overview of key arguments, legal precedents, or a particular aspect of a motion or pleading, our AI adapts to deliver relevant, targeted insights.

Interactive AI chat analysis

Engage in dynamic, AI-powered chat sessions to explore case summaries further. Ask questions, delve into specifics, and gain a clearer understanding of complex legal documents, enhancing your comprehension and strategy.

Securely upload and summarize legal documents. Our encrypted platform protects your sensitive data while generating precise case summaries.

Case summaries – as ordered

Summarize complex pleadings or multiple case files quickly and easily with the power of CaseMark's platform. Securely upload your files and generate legal case summaries leveraging our industry-standard templates or modify to your liking using Microsoft Word. The choice is yours.

Partner with CaseMark

In addition to our self-service options, we also offer custom-tailored integration solutions that allow you to customize our deposition summaries to your exact needs. Coupled with our flexible and scalable Workflow API, you can easily integrate our solution directly into your own platform, website or existing automations.
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