Trial, hearing & arbitration summaries Navigate complex proceedings with confidence

From trial, court or arbitration hearings, to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) proceedings, CaseMark offers an accurate, secure and fast solution with hundreds of thousands of pages summarized each year.
Turn transcripts into concise, strategic summaries, empowering attorneys with rapid access to key testimonies, critical evidence analysis, and essential legal argument insights for superior case management.
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Automated summaries that make sense.

CaseMark helps you do what you already do, only faster.

Summarize daily trial transcripts in minutes so you can align on tomorrow’s strategy.

Master the courtroom narrative with cutting-edge AI

CaseMark supports summarization for trial, hearings and arbitration. Our trial summary tool is great for final summaries, but can also summarize rough court transcripts from daily proceedings.

Trial summaries

Generate a trial summary from court transcripts. Our trial summaries include cover key points, motions in line, challenges, motions, opening statements, rebuttals, jury instructions, closings, verdicts, and post trial motions.

This comprehensive and organized summary provides a structured framework for reviewing the entire trial process, from jury selection to post-trial motions.

  • Gain a quick and efficient understanding of the key events, arguments, and evidence presented.
  • Distill a potentially overwhelming volume of information into a more digestible format.
  • Assess the strength and potential impact of evidence on the outcome of the case.
  • Use as a reference point when preparing for post-trial motions, appeals, or other related proceedings

Hearing summaries

Get a succinct overview of your hearing from a hearing transcript. Our hearing summaries capture a condensed overview of arguments, key points and opinions, evidence, testimony, submissions, direct and cross examination and the decision.

  • Understand the key issues, arguments, and evidence presented in the hearing
  • Quickly find key points, such as motions, testimony, and rulings, making it easier to identify crucial information for further analysis
  • Use for reference and context when preparing for appeals or other proceedings
  • Identify potential issues or areas where the hearing could have been handled differently.

Differences between trial and hearing summaries

The main difference between the hearing summary and the trial summary is the scope and depth of information included.

The trial summary typically covers the entire trial process, from jury selection to the verdict.

The hearing summary focuses specifically on a particular hearing or proceeding within the overall case. This makes the hearing summary more concise and tailored to the specific issue being addressed in the hearing.

Mediation, arbitration, or ADR summaries – COMING SOON!

Build a comprehensive understanding of your case for arbitration, mediation, settlement, or dispute resolution proceedings, using our arbitration summary. Upload pleadings and court filings and we’ll provide a summary of the complaints, answers, counterclaims, defenses, and procedural history of the case.

  • Case basics overview
  • Procedural history
  • Parties and representatives
  • Issues (key points, arguments, evidence, case precedent)
  • Process and rulings
  • Outcomes
  • Judge’s comments, witness testimony, exhibits (if any)

Securely upload your transcripts and generate a variety of summaries as well as interrogate those transcripts via a ChatGPT-like interface.

Partner with CaseMark

In addition to our self-service options, we also offer custom-tailored integration solutions that allow you to customize summaries to your exact needs. Coupled with our flexible and scalable Workflow API, you can easily integrate our solution directly into your own platform, website or existing automations.
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