Introducing Custom-Trained LLMs: AI that Speaks Your Legal Language

Every law firm has its unique voice and expertise. CaseMark will help you put yours to work.

 min. read
October 9, 2023
Introducing Custom-Trained LLMs: AI that Speaks Your Legal Language

What if AI could speak the legal language unique to your firm? At CaseMark, we've turned this 'what if' into a reality. We're thrilled to unveil our latest innovation: Custom-Trained LLM solutions, tailored precisely for the nuanced needs of law firms.

Why Choose Custom-Trained LLMs?

Every law firm is distinct, each with its unique workflows, specialized practices, and expertise. A generic approach often misses the mark. Our Custom-Trained LLMs bridge this gap, ensuring AI that not only understands but also 'speaks' your firm's legal language. And rest assured, these LLMs are trained exclusively on your data; your information remains yours.

Affordable Customization

Think custom-trained models burn a hole in the pocket? Think again! We utilize your individual law firm's data to fine-tune existing LLMs. By harnessing open-source tools, we ensure high-quality results in the unique voice of your law firm, without the exorbitant costs.

A Collaboration of Minds

Success in a post-AI world hinges on collaboration. That's why we've joined forces with The Agile Monkeys. The Agile Monkeys work focuses on vector embeddings, semantic search, open-source LLMs, and AI in data-intensive environments. Their research culminates in tools and services for enterprises, with a robust emphasis on mitigating LLM hallucinations and enhancing security. With their expertise and our vision around AI-for-legal, we're ensuring that our LLMs aren't just tailored but are also at the forefront of AI innovation.

Seamless Integration with CaseMark

Once your custom LLM is ready, it integrates effortlessly with the CaseMark platform or anywhere in your own private cloud. Whether you're using our Chrome Extension, Word Addin, or Workflow platform, your tailored AI is just a click away.

Your Journey with Our Custom-Trained LLM Solution:

  1. Initial Consultation: It all begins with understanding. We engage with your firm, grasping your needs, practices, and the specific data that defines you. This step is at the core of our solution and while tedious, is the key to unlocking your firms data in a way that can be used for years (and many different LLMs) to come. More on that below.
  2. Data Preprocessing: After the initial consultation, we dig in deep on your data and develop a set of unique summaries, filings and pleadings written by your firm to use as the basis for fine-tuning your AI model. This work product and investment stands alone beyond the LLM you end up with as it will serve as the basis for future iterations depending on your needs.
  3. Tailoring the LLM: Leveraging the gathered data, our combined team of AI experts fine-tune the LLM, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your practices.
  4. Integration and Hands-on Training: Next, this bespoke LLM is integrated into your existing systems or directly into the rest of the CaseMark suite of tools. However, we don't stop there. We guide your team, ensuring they're well-versed in harnessing its capabilities to the fullest.
  5. Ongoing Support: The world of law is ever-evolving, and so are our solutions. We're with you every step of the way, ensuring your LLM remains up-to-date and optimized or completely replaced with a new model leveraging your existing data from step 2.

At CaseMark, this isn't just another offering. It's our pledge to redefine legal tech. We're committed to ensuring every law firm feels like AI was crafted just for them.

Ready to redefine your legal tech experience? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Yours in innovation,

Scott Kveton

Introducing Custom-Trained LLMs: AI that Speaks Your Legal Language

Every law firm has its unique voice and expertise. CaseMark will help you put yours to work.

 min. read
October 9, 2023
Introducing Custom-Trained LLMs: AI that Speaks Your Legal Language

What if AI could speak the legal language unique to your firm? At CaseMark, we've turned this 'what if' into a reality. We're thrilled to unveil our latest innovation: Custom-Trained LLM solutions, tailored precisely for the nuanced needs of law firms.

Why Choose Custom-Trained LLMs?

Every law firm is distinct, each with its unique workflows, specialized practices, and expertise. A generic approach often misses the mark. Our Custom-Trained LLMs bridge this gap, ensuring AI that not only understands but also 'speaks' your firm's legal language. And rest assured, these LLMs are trained exclusively on your data; your information remains yours.

Affordable Customization

Think custom-trained models burn a hole in the pocket? Think again! We utilize your individual law firm's data to fine-tune existing LLMs. By harnessing open-source tools, we ensure high-quality results in the unique voice of your law firm, without the exorbitant costs.

A Collaboration of Minds

Success in a post-AI world hinges on collaboration. That's why we've joined forces with The Agile Monkeys. The Agile Monkeys work focuses on vector embeddings, semantic search, open-source LLMs, and AI in data-intensive environments. Their research culminates in tools and services for enterprises, with a robust emphasis on mitigating LLM hallucinations and enhancing security. With their expertise and our vision around AI-for-legal, we're ensuring that our LLMs aren't just tailored but are also at the forefront of AI innovation.

Seamless Integration with CaseMark

Once your custom LLM is ready, it integrates effortlessly with the CaseMark platform or anywhere in your own private cloud. Whether you're using our Chrome Extension, Word Addin, or Workflow platform, your tailored AI is just a click away.

Your Journey with Our Custom-Trained LLM Solution:

  1. Initial Consultation: It all begins with understanding. We engage with your firm, grasping your needs, practices, and the specific data that defines you. This step is at the core of our solution and while tedious, is the key to unlocking your firms data in a way that can be used for years (and many different LLMs) to come. More on that below.
  2. Data Preprocessing: After the initial consultation, we dig in deep on your data and develop a set of unique summaries, filings and pleadings written by your firm to use as the basis for fine-tuning your AI model. This work product and investment stands alone beyond the LLM you end up with as it will serve as the basis for future iterations depending on your needs.
  3. Tailoring the LLM: Leveraging the gathered data, our combined team of AI experts fine-tune the LLM, ensuring it aligns seamlessly with your practices.
  4. Integration and Hands-on Training: Next, this bespoke LLM is integrated into your existing systems or directly into the rest of the CaseMark suite of tools. However, we don't stop there. We guide your team, ensuring they're well-versed in harnessing its capabilities to the fullest.
  5. Ongoing Support: The world of law is ever-evolving, and so are our solutions. We're with you every step of the way, ensuring your LLM remains up-to-date and optimized or completely replaced with a new model leveraging your existing data from step 2.

At CaseMark, this isn't just another offering. It's our pledge to redefine legal tech. We're committed to ensuring every law firm feels like AI was crafted just for them.

Ready to redefine your legal tech experience? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Yours in innovation,

Scott Kveton

Summary Type
Best for Case Types
Primary Purpose
Complexity Handling
Production Time
Best for Team Members
Key Information Highlighted
General; personal injury
Initial review; client communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients
Overall story
Page Line
Complex litigation
Detailed analysis; trial prep
Specific testimony details
Multi-faceted cases
Case strategy; trial prep
Attorneys; Paralegals
Theme-based information
Witness credibility cases
Cross-examination prep
Context of statements
Timeline-critical cases
Establishing sequence of events
Event timeline
Highlight and extract
Quick reference; key points
Low to Medium
Senior Attorneys
Critical statements
Multi-witness cases
Consistency check
Attorneys; Paralegals
Discrepancies; Agreements
Complex legal issues
Training; in-depth analysis
Junior Associates; Paralegals
Legal implications
Jury presentations
Client / jury communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients; Jury
Visual representation of key points
Summary Grid
Multi-witness; fact-heavy cases
Organized reference
Categorized information