Streamline your legal workflow with the new Clio and CaseMark integration

Revolutionize your legal practice with the powerful Clio-CaseMark integration.

 min. read
August 1, 2024
Streamline your legal workflow with the new Clio and CaseMark integration

As the legal industry rapidly evolves, staying ahead means leveraging the best tools available. The recent integration between Clio and CaseMark offers legal professionals a powerful combination designed to streamline workflows and improve efficiency. Here’s how using Clio and CaseMark together can transform your legal practice.

Sign-up now and link your Clio account for near-instant legal summarization.

Unmatched efficiency and productivity
Clio, a leading cloud-based legal software, and CaseMark, an AI-driven legal workflow platform, are now integrated to provide seamless legal summarization and document management. This partnership allows legal professionals to condense weeks of preparation into mere hours, freeing up valuable time for higher-value tasks such as client strategy and casework.

CaseMark’s AI-powered tools quickly generate summaries of depositions, cases, and trials, reducing the time spent on these tasks from hours to minutes. The integration enables secure and seamless access to client documents within Clio.

Leading the future of LegalTech withAI
Both Clio and CaseMark are at the forefront of integrating AI into legal workflows. Clio’s platform, which already supports over 150,000 users globally, includes advanced features like Clio Duo, a proprietary AI solution designed to help lawyers complete routine tasks more efficiently.

CaseMark’s integration into Clio’s ecosystem ensures that attorneys can use AI to summarize lengthy legal documents and to streamline their document management and legal analysis processes. This integration represents a significant step towards building the next generation of legal tools, making legal work more efficient and cost-effective.

Exclusive offer for Clio customers
To celebrate this integration, CaseMark is offering 3 free credits for a limited time to Clio users who want to try out their service. This is a great opportunity to experience firsthand how this powerful integration can benefit your legal practice. Once you connect your Clio to CaseMark you will automatically receive 3 credits to your account for use on our legal summaries.

Get started
The CaseMark integration with Clio is available now, on the Clio Marketplace and within the CaseMark app under “Connectors.” For more information, watch our demo video to explore how this integration can transform your workflow.

Integrating Clio and CaseMark is not just about improving efficiency—it's about embracing the future of legal practice. Try it today and see how it can make a difference in your work.

Streamline your legal workflow with the new Clio and CaseMark integration

Revolutionize your legal practice with the powerful Clio-CaseMark integration.

 min. read
August 1, 2024
Streamline your legal workflow with the new Clio and CaseMark integration

As the legal industry rapidly evolves, staying ahead means leveraging the best tools available. The recent integration between Clio and CaseMark offers legal professionals a powerful combination designed to streamline workflows and improve efficiency. Here’s how using Clio and CaseMark together can transform your legal practice.

Sign-up now and link your Clio account for near-instant legal summarization.

Unmatched efficiency and productivity
Clio, a leading cloud-based legal software, and CaseMark, an AI-driven legal workflow platform, are now integrated to provide seamless legal summarization and document management. This partnership allows legal professionals to condense weeks of preparation into mere hours, freeing up valuable time for higher-value tasks such as client strategy and casework.

CaseMark’s AI-powered tools quickly generate summaries of depositions, cases, and trials, reducing the time spent on these tasks from hours to minutes. The integration enables secure and seamless access to client documents within Clio.

Leading the future of LegalTech withAI
Both Clio and CaseMark are at the forefront of integrating AI into legal workflows. Clio’s platform, which already supports over 150,000 users globally, includes advanced features like Clio Duo, a proprietary AI solution designed to help lawyers complete routine tasks more efficiently.

CaseMark’s integration into Clio’s ecosystem ensures that attorneys can use AI to summarize lengthy legal documents and to streamline their document management and legal analysis processes. This integration represents a significant step towards building the next generation of legal tools, making legal work more efficient and cost-effective.

Exclusive offer for Clio customers
To celebrate this integration, CaseMark is offering 3 free credits for a limited time to Clio users who want to try out their service. This is a great opportunity to experience firsthand how this powerful integration can benefit your legal practice. Once you connect your Clio to CaseMark you will automatically receive 3 credits to your account for use on our legal summaries.

Get started
The CaseMark integration with Clio is available now, on the Clio Marketplace and within the CaseMark app under “Connectors.” For more information, watch our demo video to explore how this integration can transform your workflow.

Integrating Clio and CaseMark is not just about improving efficiency—it's about embracing the future of legal practice. Try it today and see how it can make a difference in your work.

Summary Type
Best for Case Types
Primary Purpose
Complexity Handling
Production Time
Best for Team Members
Key Information Highlighted
General; personal injury
Initial review; client communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients
Overall story
Page Line
Complex litigation
Detailed analysis; trial prep
Specific testimony details
Multi-faceted cases
Case strategy; trial prep
Attorneys; Paralegals
Theme-based information
Witness credibility cases
Cross-examination prep
Context of statements
Timeline-critical cases
Establishing sequence of events
Event timeline
Highlight and extract
Quick reference; key points
Low to Medium
Senior Attorneys
Critical statements
Multi-witness cases
Consistency check
Attorneys; Paralegals
Discrepancies; Agreements
Complex legal issues
Training; in-depth analysis
Junior Associates; Paralegals
Legal implications
Jury presentations
Client / jury communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients; Jury
Visual representation of key points
Summary Grid
Multi-witness; fact-heavy cases
Organized reference
Categorized information