Fueling the Future: CaseMark Raises $1.7M to Empower Attorneys with AI

Leading the Pre-Seed Round: Gradient Ventures and Key Investors Back Company Vision

 min. read
June 4, 2024
Fueling the Future: CaseMark Raises $1.7M to Empower Attorneys with AI

We founded CaseMark on June 1, 2023, after selling our previous company in an IP/tech transfer play. With a great team in place, we knew we wanted to focus on AI, but the question remained: what specifically would we build? The answer had been right in front of me all along.

My wife Sarah, a partner at Chock Barhoum in Portland, OR, had tried ChatGPT and initially dismissed it, saying, “This doesn’t seem all that compelling.” At that time, AI tools were limited in their applications, but I believed we were at a turning point. While I don't subscribe to the idea that attorneys will lose their jobs to AI, I firmly believe that those who embrace AI will significantly enhance their practice.

In the latter half of 2023, we worked closely with Sarah and others in the legal community to develop our deposition summary workflow. By December 2023, we had created something truly compelling. We launched it and were pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback and rapid traction we received. This feedback helped us refine our platform, and our early customers provided the momentum we needed to grow our business organically and achieve a true product-market fit. We successfully built the "easy button" for attorneys, with a strong emphasis on security and privacy to protect firms and their clients.

Our pre-seed round came together quickly after securing Gradient Ventures, Google’s seed fund, as our lead investor. We’re thrilled to have @RexSalisbury / Cambrian, Chris Messina / Ride Home Fund, and Alumni Ventures join us in forming a syndicate that sends a clear message to the market: CaseMark is the leader in this space. Now, we have the resources to expand our offerings and realize the vision we set out on over a year ago.

As an added benefit today, we’re launching our new-and-improved Page-Line Deposition Summary that is powered by GPT-4o that comes to us by way of our latest advancements in scaling AI for the legal profession.

At the core of CaseMark, we are dedicated to building tools that empower attorneys to work more efficiently. These disruptive cycles don't happen overnight but rather through numerous small adjustments that ultimately lead to a new way of doing things. CaseMark’s platform aims to deliver powerful tools for the legal industry that not only increase profitability and efficiency at firms but also enable new approaches to tackling complex litigation and provide unprecedented support to the underrepresented. Our team is bursting with new ideas and a passion for serving our customers.

We are committed to earning your business and trust, and we look forward to the opportunity to do just that.


About CaseMark

At CaseMark, we're pioneering the integration of artificial intelligence in the legal sector. Our suite of tools, including Workflow and Productivity are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of legal professionals. Leveraging the power of advanced AI models in a secure and user-friendly platform, we provide solutions that are not just innovative but also respect the integrity and ethics of the legal profession.

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  • Explore our range of AI-powered legal tools.
  • Stay updated with our latest insights on the CaseMark Blog.
  • Learn More about our mission and vision.
  • Have questions? Contact us today for more information or to schedule a demo.

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CaseMark – Empowering Legal Precision: One Workflow at a Time.

Fueling the Future: CaseMark Raises $1.7M to Empower Attorneys with AI

Leading the Pre-Seed Round: Gradient Ventures and Key Investors Back Company Vision

 min. read
June 4, 2024
Fueling the Future: CaseMark Raises $1.7M to Empower Attorneys with AI

We founded CaseMark on June 1, 2023, after selling our previous company in an IP/tech transfer play. With a great team in place, we knew we wanted to focus on AI, but the question remained: what specifically would we build? The answer had been right in front of me all along.

My wife Sarah, a partner at Chock Barhoum in Portland, OR, had tried ChatGPT and initially dismissed it, saying, “This doesn’t seem all that compelling.” At that time, AI tools were limited in their applications, but I believed we were at a turning point. While I don't subscribe to the idea that attorneys will lose their jobs to AI, I firmly believe that those who embrace AI will significantly enhance their practice.

In the latter half of 2023, we worked closely with Sarah and others in the legal community to develop our deposition summary workflow. By December 2023, we had created something truly compelling. We launched it and were pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback and rapid traction we received. This feedback helped us refine our platform, and our early customers provided the momentum we needed to grow our business organically and achieve a true product-market fit. We successfully built the "easy button" for attorneys, with a strong emphasis on security and privacy to protect firms and their clients.

Our pre-seed round came together quickly after securing Gradient Ventures, Google’s seed fund, as our lead investor. We’re thrilled to have @RexSalisbury / Cambrian, Chris Messina / Ride Home Fund, and Alumni Ventures join us in forming a syndicate that sends a clear message to the market: CaseMark is the leader in this space. Now, we have the resources to expand our offerings and realize the vision we set out on over a year ago.

As an added benefit today, we’re launching our new-and-improved Page-Line Deposition Summary that is powered by GPT-4o that comes to us by way of our latest advancements in scaling AI for the legal profession.

At the core of CaseMark, we are dedicated to building tools that empower attorneys to work more efficiently. These disruptive cycles don't happen overnight but rather through numerous small adjustments that ultimately lead to a new way of doing things. CaseMark’s platform aims to deliver powerful tools for the legal industry that not only increase profitability and efficiency at firms but also enable new approaches to tackling complex litigation and provide unprecedented support to the underrepresented. Our team is bursting with new ideas and a passion for serving our customers.

We are committed to earning your business and trust, and we look forward to the opportunity to do just that.


About CaseMark

At CaseMark, we're pioneering the integration of artificial intelligence in the legal sector. Our suite of tools, including Workflow and Productivity are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of legal professionals. Leveraging the power of advanced AI models in a secure and user-friendly platform, we provide solutions that are not just innovative but also respect the integrity and ethics of the legal profession.

Connect with Us

  • Explore our range of AI-powered legal tools.
  • Stay updated with our latest insights on the CaseMark Blog.
  • Learn More about our mission and vision.
  • Have questions? Contact us today for more information or to schedule a demo.

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CaseMark – Empowering Legal Precision: One Workflow at a Time.

Summary Type
Best for Case Types
Primary Purpose
Complexity Handling
Production Time
Best for Team Members
Key Information Highlighted
General; personal injury
Initial review; client communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients
Overall story
Page Line
Complex litigation
Detailed analysis; trial prep
Specific testimony details
Multi-faceted cases
Case strategy; trial prep
Attorneys; Paralegals
Theme-based information
Witness credibility cases
Cross-examination prep
Context of statements
Timeline-critical cases
Establishing sequence of events
Event timeline
Highlight and extract
Quick reference; key points
Low to Medium
Senior Attorneys
Critical statements
Multi-witness cases
Consistency check
Attorneys; Paralegals
Discrepancies; Agreements
Complex legal issues
Training; in-depth analysis
Junior Associates; Paralegals
Legal implications
Jury presentations
Client / jury communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients; Jury
Visual representation of key points
Summary Grid
Multi-witness; fact-heavy cases
Organized reference
Categorized information