Introducing CaseMark Workflow API: Transforming Legaltech with AI Integration

Seamless Integration, Instant Revenue Generation: The New Era of Legaltech Software Companies

 min. read
January 25, 2024
Introducing CaseMark Workflow API: Transforming Legaltech with AI Integration

We’ve been amazed at the uptake of our Workflow platform. When we launched Workflow in September we had no idea how well it would be received. We’ve worked closely with legal professionals across the globe to hone our unique and effective AI-assisted workflows helping them save time and increase their bottom line. That success hasn’t gone unnoticed; we continuously get requests from existing legaltech software companies to integrate our workflows directly into their platforms. Well, as of today. They can.

We’re pleased to announce CaseMark Workflow API, available starting today. We’ve quietly been building behind the scenes to deliver our API and can say we’re live with 2 partners and currently looking to onboard more. Partnerships are the key to success in this AI-enabled world and we firmly believe that now having made our workflows easily available.

Back when mobile was going through a similar disruption with the iPhone, my co-founders and I at Urban Airship found a way to help bring solutions to brands that didn’t have the in-house expertise to succeed quickly. We delivered critical mobile solutions like push notifications and in-app purchase via a simple, robust API so that the brands could stay focused on doing what they do best. We’re now doing the same thing for legaltech and AI. Instead of spinning up an expensive, dedicated AI team with costly infrastructure you can integrate our proven AI-powered workflows that immediately generate revenue and give the answer to the AI question your clients are all asking about.

We continue to believe that AI isn’t about replacing attorneys or reducing billable hours; it’s about increasing bandwidth for time-strapped lawyers and maximizing the bottom line for law firms, insurance companies and corporate counsel. We know this because the customers that find us and use us effectively are seeing significant results and are clamoring for more.

If you’re part of a legaltech company looking for compelling AI-enabled solutions, drop us a line and let’s have a discussion. We’re aggressively pricing this white-label solution and know that time is of the essence in this market and CaseMark wants to be your partner of choice.


About CaseMark

At CaseMark, we're pioneering the integration of artificial intelligence in the legal sector. Our suite of tools, including Workflow and Productivity are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of legal professionals. Leveraging the power of advanced AI models in a secure and user-friendly platform, we provide solutions that are not just innovative but also respect the integrity and ethics of the legal profession.

Connect with Us

  • Explore our range of AI-powered legal tools.
  • Check out our Workflow API, helping power legaltech software companies.
  • Stay updated with our latest insights on the CaseMark Blog.
  • Learn More about our mission and vision.
  • Have questions? Contact us today for more information or to schedule a demo.

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CaseMark – Empowering Legal Precision: One Workflow at a Time.

Introducing CaseMark Workflow API: Transforming Legaltech with AI Integration

Seamless Integration, Instant Revenue Generation: The New Era of Legaltech Software Companies

 min. read
January 25, 2024
Introducing CaseMark Workflow API: Transforming Legaltech with AI Integration

We’ve been amazed at the uptake of our Workflow platform. When we launched Workflow in September we had no idea how well it would be received. We’ve worked closely with legal professionals across the globe to hone our unique and effective AI-assisted workflows helping them save time and increase their bottom line. That success hasn’t gone unnoticed; we continuously get requests from existing legaltech software companies to integrate our workflows directly into their platforms. Well, as of today. They can.

We’re pleased to announce CaseMark Workflow API, available starting today. We’ve quietly been building behind the scenes to deliver our API and can say we’re live with 2 partners and currently looking to onboard more. Partnerships are the key to success in this AI-enabled world and we firmly believe that now having made our workflows easily available.

Back when mobile was going through a similar disruption with the iPhone, my co-founders and I at Urban Airship found a way to help bring solutions to brands that didn’t have the in-house expertise to succeed quickly. We delivered critical mobile solutions like push notifications and in-app purchase via a simple, robust API so that the brands could stay focused on doing what they do best. We’re now doing the same thing for legaltech and AI. Instead of spinning up an expensive, dedicated AI team with costly infrastructure you can integrate our proven AI-powered workflows that immediately generate revenue and give the answer to the AI question your clients are all asking about.

We continue to believe that AI isn’t about replacing attorneys or reducing billable hours; it’s about increasing bandwidth for time-strapped lawyers and maximizing the bottom line for law firms, insurance companies and corporate counsel. We know this because the customers that find us and use us effectively are seeing significant results and are clamoring for more.

If you’re part of a legaltech company looking for compelling AI-enabled solutions, drop us a line and let’s have a discussion. We’re aggressively pricing this white-label solution and know that time is of the essence in this market and CaseMark wants to be your partner of choice.


About CaseMark

At CaseMark, we're pioneering the integration of artificial intelligence in the legal sector. Our suite of tools, including Workflow and Productivity are designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of legal professionals. Leveraging the power of advanced AI models in a secure and user-friendly platform, we provide solutions that are not just innovative but also respect the integrity and ethics of the legal profession.

Connect with Us

  • Explore our range of AI-powered legal tools.
  • Check out our Workflow API, helping power legaltech software companies.
  • Stay updated with our latest insights on the CaseMark Blog.
  • Learn More about our mission and vision.
  • Have questions? Contact us today for more information or to schedule a demo.

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CaseMark – Empowering Legal Precision: One Workflow at a Time.

Summary Type
Best for Case Types
Primary Purpose
Complexity Handling
Production Time
Best for Team Members
Key Information Highlighted
General; personal injury
Initial review; client communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients
Overall story
Page Line
Complex litigation
Detailed analysis; trial prep
Specific testimony details
Multi-faceted cases
Case strategy; trial prep
Attorneys; Paralegals
Theme-based information
Witness credibility cases
Cross-examination prep
Context of statements
Timeline-critical cases
Establishing sequence of events
Event timeline
Highlight and extract
Quick reference; key points
Low to Medium
Senior Attorneys
Critical statements
Multi-witness cases
Consistency check
Attorneys; Paralegals
Discrepancies; Agreements
Complex legal issues
Training; in-depth analysis
Junior Associates; Paralegals
Legal implications
Jury presentations
Client / jury communication
Low to Medium
All; Clients; Jury
Visual representation of key points
Summary Grid
Multi-witness; fact-heavy cases
Organized reference
Categorized information